TAF Online Adjustment Report Form

Monthly data reports received after the due dates will be included with the following months invoice, which will include the applicable penalty factor as referred to in the TAF manual. Click here to download offline report forms...
Company Information
Company Name  
Company ID  
Contact Name  
Street Address  
Town or City  
Zip Code    -   

Current Report Period:
Period to Adjust:
This field must be dated for the particular month that you intend to adjust. Please keep in mind that you can only adjust up to 24 months prior to the current month.
   Select period to adjust
I) Regulated Revenue:
The amount entered in this field must be the difference between the original estimate used and the actual number. Please enter a positive number to increase and a negative number to decrease. Decimal separator is dot.
   All Intrastate Regulated Revenue
   (This does NOT include such items as inside-wire and Internet fees)
TOTAL:  $ 
II) Intercompany Payments:
The amount entered in this field must be the difference between the original estimate used and the actual number. Please enter a positive number to increase and a negative number to decrease. Decimal separator is dot.
a. Interexchange Carrier Access Charges
b. Local Terminating Access (Reciprocal Compensation)
c. Bottleneck Billing & Collection Elements (ANI/Recording)
d. Wholesale Services Purchased for Resale (i.e. Total Service Resale "TSR")
e. Wholesale Network Elements and Operator Services when bundled with services purchased at wholesale
III) Enhanced 911:
The amount entered in this field must be the difference between the original estimate used and the actual number. Please enter a positive number to increase and a negative number to decrease. Decimal separator is dot. Please note all E911 costs submitted are subject to audit and approval by TAF.
a. Initial & Recurring cost for collecting, processing, and submitting data to the ALI Database Operator
b. ALI Database Operator Only-Cost related to initial loading of data
c. Trunking costs from serving central office to another carrier's tandem control center
d. Costs for up to two "free" trunks from tandem to PSAP
e. Trunk Connection & Port Charges (T-Carriers limited to dedicated reserved trunks)
f. Selective Routing Expense
IV) Life Line Cost:
The amount entered in this field must be the difference between the original estimate used and the actual number. Please enter a positive number to increase and a negative number to decrease. Decimal separator is dot. Please note all Lifeline costs submitted are subject to audit and approval by TAF.
a. *Billable Revenue without Lifeline discount applied
b. *Actual Billed Revenue with Lifeline discount applied
c. Federal Lifeline support applicable to intrastate jurisdiction
d. Discounts associated with installation/reconnection
e. Federal support for installation/reconnection
f. Automatic Enrollment/Removal Costs
g. Number of Lineline Customers
V) PIP Cost:
There are currently no companies approved to report these costs.
a. Access Line Charge
b. Local Usage Charge
c. Feature Charge
VI) Other Costs:
There are currently no companies approved to report these costs.
a. Addnl.Cost1
b. Addnl.Cost2
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